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Politica de confidențialitate Aplicație VAUNT


1.  Introducere

Prezentul document este intocmit in acord cu si in vederea implementarii dispozitiilor Regulamentului (UE) nr. 2016/679 privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatie a acestor date („Regulamentul”);

Prezentul are ca scop informarea dvs. in acord cu prevederile Regulamentului, cu privire la prelucrarea datelor dvs. cu caracter personal de catre Operatorul de la punctul 2.

In acord cu prevederile art. 13 din Regulament, va aducem la cunostinta urmatoarele informatii:

2.  Identitatea si datele de contact ale Operatorului

Datele dvs. cu caracter personal sunt prelucrate de catre urmatorul Operator: AESTHETIC WORKS S.R.L., cu sediul social în București, Bulevardul Gheorghe Șincai nr 16 bl C2, etaj 7, ap 32, sector 4 și, societate comercială înregistrată la Oficiul Registrului Comerțului sub nr. J40/14321/10.21.2014 CUI: 33887929

Datele sunt colectate si dupa caz prelucrate prin intermediul platformei Vaunt, detinatorul platformei avand calitatea de Persoana Imputernicita de Operator pentru efectuarea unor activitati de prelucrare asupra datelor dvs.

3.  Datele cu caracter personal pe care le prelucram

Prelucram datele dvs. cu caracter personal atunci cand utilizati plaforma Vaunt in considerarea calitatii dvs. de agent (angajat sau colaborator) al nostru.

In acest context, putem prelucra urmatoarele date cu caracter personal, in ceea ce va priveste, in functie de permisiunile pe care le acordati in Aplicatia Vaunt:

  1. Datele de identificare si contact: nume, prenume, email, telefon, functie in companie, profil linkedin;
    1. Date in legatura cu serviciile pe care le prestati in calitate de agent colaborator sau angajat al nostru precum: proprietati asociate, clienti asociati, date privind apelurile initiate si primite; date privind locatia dvs., date privind dispozitivele mobile utilizate pentru accesarea aplicatiei Vaunt;

4.  Scopurile in care va sunt prelucrate datele cu caracter personal

Prelucram datele dvs. cu caracter personal in scopul derularii raporturilor contractuale intre dvs. si noi si pentru a avea o evidenta a activitatii dvs. atunci cand actionati in calitate de agent angajat sau colaborator al nostru si utilizati Aplicatia Vaunt.

5.  Temeiurile in baza carora prelucram datele dvs. cu caracter personal

Prelucram datele cu caracter personal mentionate la art. 3 in baza dispozitiilor art. 6 alin. 1 lit. b din Regulament, respectiv in temeiul executarii unui contract, respectiv ca urmare a contractului de colaborare sau dupa caz de munca, incheiat intre dvs. si noi.

De asemenea, dupa caz putem prelucra o serie de datele cu caracter personal mentionate la art. 3 in baza dispozitiilor art. 6 alin. 1 lit. c din Regulament, in temeiul unei obligatii legale, atunci cand avem o obligatie legala in acest sens.

6.  Perioada de stocare a datelor dvs. cu caracter personal

Vom stoca datele dvs. cu caracter personal mentionate la art. 3 dupa caz:

  1. Pe toate perioada in care in calitate de agent (angajat sau colaborator) al nostru va desfasurati activitatea prin intermediul Aplicatiei Vaunt, precum si ulterior pana la expirarea relatiei contractuale dintre noi.
    1. Pe toata perioada prevazuta de lege pentru datele cu caracter personal pe care avem obligatia de a le stoca in temeiul unei obligatii legale;

La expirarea perioadei pentru care datele dvs. cu caracter personal sunt stocate, acestea vor fi sterse sau anonimizate ireversibil.

7.  Destinatarii datelor cu caracter personal

Nu vom divulga datele dvs. cu caracter personal catre terti, cu urmatoarele exceptii: vom putea transmite datele dvs. catre autoritatile competente care ne vor solicita sau carora avem obligatia de a le furniza datele dvs. in temeiul unei prevederi legale; vom putea transmite datele dvs. catre avocati, executori judecatoresti sau instante de judecata in situatia in care incalcati obligatiile asumate si intelegem sa ne exercitam drepturile legale in vederea recuperarii prejudiciului cauzat, alte situatii prevazute de lege; vom putea transmite datele dvs. catre partenerii nostri precum: furnizori de servicii de curierat, hosting, software etc. atunci cand transmiterea datelor este necesara pentru a va putea presta serviciile catre dvs. sau a efectua comunicarile comerciale pentru care v-ati dat acordul.

Precizam ca in fiecare situatie in care vom transmite datele dvs. tertilor ne vom asigura ca transferam numai acele date necesare pentru indeplinirea scopului in care datele dvs. sunt transmise, asigurandu-ne ca nu vom transmite in nicio situatie mai multe date decat este necesar.

8.  Unde stocam datele dvs. cu caracter personal

Datele dvs. cu caracter personal sunt stocate pe teritoriul Uniunii Europene.

9.  Masuri de securitate

Prelucram datele dvs. cu caracter personal, in acord cu politica noastra interna privind securitatea datelor. In acest sens va asiguram ca am implementat toate masurile de securitate impuse de legislatia in vigoare pentru asigurarea securitatii datelor dvs.

In caz de incalcare a securitatii datelor dvs. cu caracter personal susceptibila sa genereze un risc ridicat pentru drepturile si libertatile dvs., va vom informa fara intarzieri despre aceasta incalcare si vom lua toate masurile necesare pentru a remedia problema si/sau pentru a atenua efectele negative.

10.  Procese decizionale automate

Precizam ca nu folosim procese decizionale automate in ceea ce va priveste, respectiv nu veti face obiectul unor decizii bazate exclusiv pe prelucrarea automata, inclusiv crearea de profiluri.

11.  Drepturile dvs.

a.   Dreptul de acces.

Aveti dreptul sa obtineti o confirmare a prelucrarii datelor dvs. cu caracter personal si sa obtineti accesul la aceste date. In masura in care ne veti transmite o solicitare in acest sens, va vom pune la dispozitie o copie a datelor cu caracter personal pe care le prelucram despre dvs. alaturi de toate informatiile pe care avem obligatia sa vi le furnizam, in acord cu prevederile Regulamentului.

b.   Dreptul de rectificare si stergere.

Aveti dreptul sa solicitati corectarea datelor cu caracter personal incorecte, inexacte sau incomplete. De asemenea aveti dreptul sa solicitati stergerea datelor cu caracter personal cand acestea nu mai sunt necesare in raport de scopurile pentru care au fost prelucrate, sau daca prelucrarea acestora este ilegala.

c.  Dreptul la restrictionarea prelucrarii

Aveti dreptul sa solicitati restrictionarea prelucrarii datelor dvs. cu caracter personal in urmatoarele cazuri: contestati exactitatea datelor, caz in care puteti solicita restrictioarea prelucrarii pentru perioada de timp in care facem verificam exactitatea datelor; prelucrarea este ilegala si va opuneti stergerii datelor; nu mai avem nevoie de datele dvs. cu caracter personal, dar dvs. le solicitati pentru constatarea, exercitarea sau apararea unui drept in instanta.

d.   Dreptul la opozitie

Aveti dreptul sa va opuneti prelucrarii datelor dvs. cu caracter personal in scopuri de marketing sau din motive legate de situatia particulara in care va aflati. Intr-o atare situatie, nu vom mai prelucra datele dvs. cu caracter personal, cu exceptia situatiei in care vom demonstra ca avem motive legitime si imperioase care justifica prelucrarea si care prevaleaza asupra intereselor, drepturilor si libertatilor dvs.

e.   Dreptul la portabilitatea datelor

Aveti dreptul de a primi datele cu caracter personal pe care ni le-ati furnizat si care va privesc intr-un format structurat, utilizat in mod curent si care poate fi citit automat. Aveti totodata dreptul de a transmite aceste date unui alt operator.

12.  Exercitarea drepturilor dvs.

Pentru a va exercita oricare din drepturile, va rugam sa ne transmiteti solicitarea dvs. in scris, la adresa de email: dev@aesthetic- works.com

Vom raspunde solicitarii dvs. fara intarzieri nejustificate, in termen de cel mult o luna, cu exceptia situatiei in care din cauza complexitatii sau a numarului cererilor vom fi nevoiti sa prelungim termenul de raspuns cu maxim 2 luni, conform Regulamentului.

Totodata previzam ca va vom putea solicita sa furnizati informatii pentru a va confirma identitatea (de exemplu, sa faceti clic pe un link de verificare, sa introduceti un nume de utilizator sau o parola) pentru a va exercita drepturile.

13.  Depunerea unei plangeri la Autoritatea de Supraveghere

In cazul in care apreciati ca drepturile dvs. au fost incalcate, puteti depune o plangere la Autoritatea de Supraveghere competenta, respectiv Autoritatea Nationala de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal, cu sediul in B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30 Sector 1, cod postal 010336 Bucuresti, Romania.

14.  Date de contact

Pentru orice solicitare ne puteti contacta la adresa de email: dev@aesthetic-works.com



1. Introduction

This document is prepared in accordance with and in order to implement the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free circulation of such data („the Regulation”);

The purpose of this is to inform you in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation, regarding the processing of your personal data by the Operator from point 2.

In accordance with the provisions of art. 13 of the Regulation, we bring to your attention the following information:

2. The identity and contact details of the Operator

Your personal data is processed by the following Operator: AESTHETIC WORKS S.R.L., with registered office in Bucharest, Bulevardul Gheorghe Șincai no. 16 bl C2, floor 7, apartment 32, sector 4 and, commercial company registered at the Trade Registry Office under no. . J40/14321/10.21.2014 CUI: 33887929

The data are collected and, as the case may be, processed through the Vaunt platform, the owner of the platform having the capacity of Authorized Person of the Operator to carry out some processing activities on your data.

3. The personal data we process

We process your personal data when you use the Vaunt platform in consideration of your quality as an agent (employee or collaborator) of ours.

In this context, we can process the following personal data concerning you, depending on the permissions you grant in the Vaunt Application:

a. Identification and contact data: name, surname, email, telephone, position in the company, linkedin profile;
b. Data related to the services you provide as our collaborating agent or employee, such as: associated properties, associated clients, data regarding initiated and received calls; data regarding your location, data regarding the mobile devices used to access the Vaunt application;

4. The purposes for which your personal data are processed

We process your personal data for the purpose of carrying out the contractual relations between you and us and to have a record of your activity when you act as an employee agent or collaborator of ours and use the Vaunt Application.

5. The grounds on which we process your personal data

We process the personal data mentioned in art. 3 based on the provisions of art. 6 para. 1 lit. b of the Regulation, respectively based on the execution of a contract, respectively as a result of the collaboration contract or according to the work case, concluded between you and us.

Also, as the case may be, we can process a series of personal data mentioned in art. 3 based on the provisions of art. 6 para. 1 lit. c of the Regulation, based on a legal obligation, when we have a legal obligation in this regard.

6. Period of storage of your personal data

We will store your personal data mentioned in art. 3 as the case may be:

a. During all the period during which, as our agent (employee or collaborator), you carry out your activity through the Vaunt Application, as well as afterwards until the expiration of the contractual relationship between us.
b. For the entire period provided by law for the personal data that we have the obligation to store based on a legal obligation;

At the end of the period for which your personal data are stored, they will be irreversibly deleted or anonymized.

7. Recipients of personal data

We will not disclose your personal data to third parties, with the following exceptions: we may transmit your data to the competent authorities who will request us or to whom we are obliged to provide your data based on a legal provision; we will be able to transmit your data to lawyers, bailiffs or courts of law in the event that you violate the assumed obligations and we agree to exercise our legal rights in order to recover the damage caused, other situations provided by law; we will be able to transmit your data to our partners such as: providers of courier services, hosting, software, etc. when the transmission of data is necessary to be able to provide services to you or carry out the commercial communications for which you have given your consent.

We specify that in every situation in which we transmit your data to third parties, we will ensure that we transfer only those data necessary to fulfill the purpose for which your data are transmitted, making sure that we will not transmit more data than is necessary in any situation.

8. Where we store your personal data

Your personal data is stored on the territory of the European Union.

9. Security measures

We process your personal data in accordance with our internal data security policy. In this sense, we assure you that we have implemented all the security measures required by the legislation in force to ensure the security of your data.

In the event of a breach of the security of your personal data likely to generate a high risk for your rights and freedoms, we will inform you without delay about this breach and will take all necessary measures to remedy the problem and/or to mitigate the effects negative.

10. Automated decision-making processes

We specify that we do not use automatic decision-making processes regarding you, respectively you will not be subject to decisions based exclusively on automatic processing, including the creation of profiles.

11. Your rights

a. Right of access.

You have the right to obtain a confirmation of the processing of your personal data and to obtain access to this data. To the extent that you send us a request in this regard, we will provide you with a copy of the personal data that we process about you, together with all the information that we are obliged to provide you, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation .

b. The right to rectification and deletion.

You have the right to request the correction of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal data. You also have the right to request the deletion of personal data when they are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were processed, or if their processing is illegal.

c. The right to restrict processing

You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data in the following cases: you dispute the accuracy of the data, in which case you can request the restriction of the processing for the period of time in which we verify the accuracy of the data; the processing is illegal and you oppose the deletion of the data; we no longer need your personal data, but you request them to establish, exercise or defend a right in court.

d. The right to opposition

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes or for reasons related to your particular situation. In such a situation, we will no longer process your personal data, except for the situation in which we demonstrate that we have legitimate and compelling reasons that justify the processing and that prevail over your interests, rights and freedoms.

e. The right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided us and that concern you in a structured format, currently used and that can be read automatically. You also have the right to transmit this data to another operator.

12. Exercising Your Rights

To exercise any of your rights, please send us your request in writing to the email address: dev@aesthetic-works.com

We will respond to your request without undue delay, within a maximum of one month, with the exception of the situation where, due to the complexity or number of requests, we will have to extend the response period by a maximum of 2 months, according to the Regulation.

We also anticipate that we may ask you to provide information to confirm your identity (for example, to click a verification link, enter a username or password) in order to exercise your rights.

13. Filing a complaint with the Supervisory Authority

If you believe that your rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority, namely the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data, based in B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30 Sector 1, postal code 010336 Bucharest, Romania.

14. Contact details

For any request you can contact us at the email address: dev@aesthetic-works.com